Sarah Forster, Independent Midwife, Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Body work for Babies

Baby bodywork

Did you know that even babies born gently like this little one was will probably benefit from an osteopath or chiropractor?

I’ve just been to the chiropractor this morning for a reset after a couple of intense, amazing births ✨ and thinking about how amazing having a skilled professional work out all the kinks of tension we all get.

For babies this might look like being unsettled and uncomfortable or struggling to get a good latch when feeding.

During birth babies are navigating the pelvis and the birth canal through each contraction some babies finding this more difficult than others. This can leave them with aches and pains similarly to when we have been sitting awkwardly for a prolonged period of time.

What can be amazing for these babies is small body releases by a gentle skilled pair of hands. I had no idea what an impact this could make until a few clients of mine went along and I started recognising the difference between the babies that had easily navigated the birth and those that may have been born at home but had struggled to come. What’s even better is that they all seem so relaxed while it’s happening, some places even do treatments for mum and baby together.

More and more while providing long term continuity with families I understand how much more physical the recovery is from birth for mum and baby! I am a big fan of physiotherapy and chiropractors and find that it has helped me understand my body and how to take care of it better. How amazing that it is available as an option to do right from birth, building in to us a deep connection and understanding of ourselves.