Sarah Forster, Independent Midwife, Newcastle-upon-Tyne

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Posts in hypnobirthing
✨Trying to relax/hypnobirth/meditate✨

✨Trying to relax/hypnobirth/meditate✨

Do you sit down and find you can't stop the internal stream of thoughts to even take a deep breath?

Or maybe you don't even bother to try because you know it won't work?

That's ok!

Forcing things and judging yourself isn't going to make it a pleasant experience even if you did try!

So maybe if you'd like to take time to connect and slow down/switch off, try this:

✨ Write a list

✨ Don't do anything on the list

✨ Look at the list

✨ Take a deep breath

And another one 😤💨🫁💚

Great you can stop here if you want and go about your day. You have just paused and slowed down.

If you feel like you want to keep going

Continue on my blog (link in stories/ bio)

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Home Birth Story Katie + Olivia

So there had been a few days where we thought this baby was starting to come, with some stronger contractions and some regular pattern. This all started at 36 weeks!

All of that combined with finding out she was pregnant so early made it feel like Katie had been pregnant forever!

However with no poking or prodding, this baby came in her own time at 41 weeks and 1 day.

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